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The W.I.S. rules of the TLD02 Hauts-de-France
(Welcome, Installation and Security)
Welcome to the club house:
- You must have a reservation to check in.
- The Shooting Director will check your identity and license.
- You must sign the attendance sheet for the day.
- The Shooting Director will assign you a firing position.
- The Shooting Director will be able to check your weapons for conformity, only category “C” (Frech) weapons are allowed.
- You can withdraw your orders made on the online shop.
- The departure to the shooting ground will be by convoy and on invitation of the Shooting Director.
Installation on the shooting range:
- During the unloading of your equipment and during your installation on the firing point, your weapons must remain in the suitcases or covers.
- You must clearly identify your firing point by its dedicated number and color.
- If you reserved a silencer, you can pick it up here..
- You can take your shooting table into account if you have made a reservation.
- You must attend the safety briefing before each shooting session.
1. Safety Reminder before firing:
a. A weapon is always considered to be loaded.
b. Your weapon may only be removed from the case or drag bag at the invitation of the Range Officer, the barrel of the weapon always pointed at the targets..
c. When installing your weapon, the muzzle brake must be crossing the line of fire visible on the ground by the color of your firing point.
d. Any weapon, out of its suitcase or cover must be immediately secured:
i. Disengaged magazine;
ii. Bolt open;
iii. Empty chamber flag in place.
e. Your weapons must be in firing condition, the barrel must be clean.
f. Your ammunition, whether manufactured or recharged, must be conform to the CIP standards.
g. Your reloaded ammunition must follow the loading indicated by the ‘powder manufacturers' refill tables.
2. Safety Shot Reminder:
a. your weapon is always pointed at the targets (gongs).
b. In the firing position, your index finger should always be outside of the trigger guard until you have the intention to fire.
c. You must clearly identify your target (gong) before firing.
d. If you do not intend to fire immediately, you must keep the bolt lever high.
e. If you leave your firing position or firing station, your weapon must be secured:
i. Disconnected magazine;
ii. Bolt open;
iii. Empty Chamber Flag in place.
f. You cannot move on the shooting range with a gun in your hand, even secured, without the permission of the Range officer.
g. If you are authorized by the Range officer to move on the platform, your weapon must be secured:
i. Disconnected magazine;
ii. Bolt open;
iii. Empty Chamber Flag in place.
iv. The muzzle of your gun must be pointed upwards.
h. You must report all shooting incidents to the Range Officer immediately.
i. If the Range Officer stops the firing session, your weapon must be immediately secured:
i. Disconnected magazine;
ii. Bolt open;
iii. Empty Chamber Flag in place.
iv. You must leave your firing station.
j. You are responsible for wearing hearing protection equipment (earplugs or headphones) on the firing pad.
k. You are responsible for wearing eye protection (goggles) on your firing position.
3. The opening and stopping of fire is given by the Range Officer:
• Opening of shooting session (range hot): 1 blow from the trunk.
• immediately stop shooting: 2 blows of the trunk.
Reminder regarding the mandatory control shot :
Before each shooting session and to get access to the 300 m and above, all shooters must carry out a control shot. For this, the shooter will have to place 3 impacts in a square of 5x5 cm at 100 m.
The control shot must be performed for each weapon used during the shooting session.
Three scenarios:
1. If the shooter succeeds in his control shot, he will gain access to 300 m and above.
2. If the shooter fails to complete their control shots, they must check and zero their weapon. If your zero check is ok you must do a control shot again.
3. In the case of the first use of a silencer, the shooter must do his zero and then make his control shot.
Reminder of the rules of engagement for gongs :
For non-magnum calibers from 300 m to 1200 m
For magnum calibers from 600 m to 1200 m
The blue gongs are exclusively reserved for the 22 LR caliber
Reminder on the classification and the authorized sizes :
Only weapons of category "C" (D for Belgium) are allowed on the range of TLD02 Hauts-de-France.
- Allowed: 22 LR and all calibers 25 and 30 up to a maximum of 338
- Prohibited: Full auto, semi-auto and calibers 5.45x39mm Russian, 5.56x45mm Nato (.223 Rem), 7.62x39 Russian.
Category "A" and "B" weapons (A, B, C and E for Belgium) are prohibited.
Reminder of the rules of good conduct :
- You must respect the basic rules of politeness and courtesy.
- You can’t smoke on the firing line.
- You can’t consume alcohol or illegal substances during the shooting session.
- You must keep your firing station clean: no waste and no empty cartridge on the ground.
- If you eat lunch under the shed, keep it clean and free of waste.
- You must drive at a moderate pace on the field, 40 km/h maximum.
Miscellaneous :
- The range is not a public area.
Any shooter failing to comply with safety rules may, depending on the circumstances, be temporarily or permanently expelled from the shooting range and/or struck off the TLD02 Haut de France range.